It is an efficient solution to export exchange Mailbox to EML file format along with attachments. Moreover, the conversion is possible for both Priv.edb and Pub.edb files of Exchange database. Also, this utility to export EDB to EML file does not require Exchange server environment for the migration.
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Detailed Features
EDB to EML converter tool allows the user to convert multiple emails from Exchange mailboxes to EML format at once. It also maintains the meta properties of all emails during or after the migration process. It can export mailbox from EDB file with attachments to EML file type without any inconvenience.
The software provides dual options to select the type of Exchange database that users want to extract before he / she export Exchange email to EML. These options are covered as below:
This utility offers two file scanning modes i.e., Quick and Advance scan in order to extract data from the corrupt database file. In case, if the files are healthy then, the software will perform the quick mode but if users have highly corrupted or damaged files then, choose the advance scan option to resolve the issue from the data file.
Create Preview Of EDB Mailbox Items
Once the scanning and loading have been done then, EDB to EML converter software also scans and loads the complete EDB database. After loading of EDB file, the software can see all data in each mailbox like emails, contacts, etc. Also, the Exchange to eml converter will display complete attributes of each data item containing to, from, sent date, cc, bcc and more.
Export Selective Emails From EDB File
This application permits the user to export selective items from Exchange mailboxes to EML instead of migrating all EDB files to EML. Even a user can check or uncheck the desirable items that they want or do not want to convert into .eml type. This tool also creates a separate folder for each EDB mailbox to save all emails into EML format.
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Exchange BKF file to PST Utility provides two options to choose the desired option for the type of Exchange database that users need to recover. It makes easy for users to utilize their corrupted or damaged data in proper manner.
i. Recover Exchange Server Private Store Database (Mailboxes)
ii. Recover Exchange Server Public Store Database (Public Store File)